Our CEO, Alex, recently joined sales legend John Barrows on the Make It Happen Monday podcast! 🎙️

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Blogs on Sales Reps & Sales Development

How to Prioritize Which Accounts to Target First in *Account-Based Selling*

Whether it’s the beginning of the year and you’re staring at your new list of net new target accounts or you’re midway through the year and simply need a pipeline boost, prioritizing which accounts to target first is an essential part of attaining quota. This should be an objective and systematic process. For us, it […]

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*CRM: *The Modern Rolodex for Sales Reps

The official definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), according to Gartner’s Glossary, is “a business strategy that optimizes revenue and profitability while promoting customer satisfaction and loyalty. CRM technologies enable strategy, and identify and manage customer relationships, in person or virtually. CRM software provides functionality to companies in four segments: sales, marketing, customer service and […]

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*Four Buyer Personalities in B2B Sales* and How to Communicate With Them

Have you ever been in a scenario where you didn’t respond quickly and you get that nudge from a prospect asking you where things stand? And in your head you’re like, “I promised that to you this morning…chill.” That can be frustrating, to say the least. Or maybe you’ve been in a scenario where you […]

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*First-Line Sales Management:* How to Empower Your Reps With the Ability to Systematically Win More Business

First-line sales management isn’t for the faint of heart as it requires the management of all kinds of different personalities who all have their own unique ways they prospect, forecast, view the health of a deal, view partners, view the sales process, etc. Basically, everyone has their own unique style of selling. The first-line sales […]

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