Join John Barrows and Alex Buckles live for the Zero-to-Pipeline in 60 Days event on February 20th! – Driving real pipeline in 6-8 weeks for your teams –  Registration only available through 

Our CEO, Alex, recently joined sales legend John Barrows on the Make It Happen Monday podcast! 🎙️

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*How to Arm Yourself with Information* to Successfully Sell to Public Companies

Sales reps should get excited when they see a public company listed on their named account list. Why? Because these companies are required by the SEC to produce quarterly and annual reports and must be transparent about the health of the business. Oftentimes, they openly discuss their growth challenges and upcoming corporate objectives; all of […]

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*Buyer Map 101:* The Value of Visualizing Prospect Relationships as Part of Your Account-Planning Process or Deal Strategy

What is a Buyer Map? A buyer map, which can also be called a relationship map, is a visual representation of every possible stakeholder or influencer that might somehow impact the outcome of your deal. It’s basically an org chart, but with much more meaningful and actionable data for a sales person. What kind of […]

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