Our CEO, Alex Buckles, recently joined sales legend John Barrows on the Make It Happen Monday podcast! 🎙️

It’s All About Accelerating Revenue

Frequenty Asked Questions
on Forecastable Use Cases

Forecastable’s managed services are utilized to facilitate improved collaboration and execution amongst account teams, partner teams and marketers through a number of use cases.

Sales Reps Co-Selling alongside one or more Partners
A Co-Selling Use Case is where Forecastable Co-Sell Advisors, a Forecastable Co-Sell Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to facilitate and enable more effective joint selling by their Account Teams and their Partner’s Account Teams within an Opportunity/Account. Co-Selling is best suited for selling alongside Partners not through Partners.
Sales Specialist Teams Co-Selling
A Sales Specialist Teams Co-Selling Use Case is where Forecastable Co-Sell Advisors, a Forecastable Co-Sell Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to facilitate and enable more effective joint selling by Account Teams and Sales Specialists from the same Company within an Opportunity/Account.
Partner Recruitment / Expansion Coordination
A Partner Expansion Use Case is where Forecastable Advisors, a Forecastable Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to plan, coordinate and execute the acquisition of incremental Partners
Global Account Team Coordination
A Global Account Team Use Case is where Forecastable Co-Sell Advisors, a Forecastable Co-Sell Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to facilitate and enable more effective joint selling by Global Account Teams and Local Account Teams Worldwide
Enabling Start Up Sales Reps to perform Up Market Selling
An Up Market Selling Use Case is where Forecastable Advisors, a Forecastable Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to train and enable Reps who are not experienced at Enterprise Sales to rapidly shift to Enterprise Up Market Selling. When Forecastable’s experienced UpMarket Advisors are combined with Forecastable’s SaaS Workspaces that are designed for Enterprise Selling the result is rapid adoption and execution of Enterprise Selling Strategies and Tactics.  Reps are guided to use more sophisticated Account / Opportunity Planning, more thorough Sales Qualification and more effective Consensus Selling within their Prospect’s Hierarchy.
Partner Revenue Scale Up for Startups
A Partner Revenue Scale Up Use Case is where Forecastable Advisors, a Forecastable Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used to create a Partner Revenue Program by delivering:
  • Strategic Planning & Design of a Partner Revenue Program
  • Operational Planning & Set Up
  • Partner Acquisition Execution  (Customer can source BDR and/or PAM HC or if none exist, Forecastable Consultants can be deployed)
  • Co-Selling Revenue Execution
Market Development Funds Partner Activity Facilitation & Monitoring
An MDF Partner Activity Monitoring Use Case is where Forecastable Advisors, a Forecastable Alignment Specialist (Project Admin) and Forecastable’s SaaS Technology are used by Partner Marketing Teams and Partner Managers to collaborate with their Peers working for their Partners to facilitate and monitor the successful use and ROI on invested Market Development Funds.
Business-to-Business Companies that need to improve collaboration and execution with external or internal teammates. Training and Enablement alone does not provide sufficient Monitoring and Guidance on Execution to ensure success.
Forecastable provides Managed Services where Consultants known as Advisors use our SaaS Technology either for or with your team members to drive better execution in Accounts, Opportunities and Partners across Teams. The Platform has an Open API to integrate with your CRM as well as other third parties such as Crossbeam or Reveal for their Account overlap data.
A Forecastable Advisor hosts and leads recurring meetings aligned with your Go to Market Strategy and Playbook to facilitate collaboration & execution guided by our Best Practices in our Online Workspaces. They deliver objective and invaluable coaching, guidance and oversight. Sales Admin level resources known as Alignment Specialists schedule meetings, update information and provide reports.
Users of Forecastable are our Advisors and Enablement Specialists on behalf of your Reps, Partner Managers, CSMs and other related Team members, extending the reach of your leadership and management teams. Their work can be integrated with your current management team or they can work independently and provide weekly updates.
  • Increased earnings from closing more Accounts/Sales.
  • Increased collaboration contributes to more Wins.
  • Project Admin Resource frees up time obtaining Updates / Status Reporting.
  • Ability to share relevant information across CRM Systems.
  • Receive Coaching from an objective 3rd Party Advisor.
  • Better Account/Opportunity/Customer Org visibility across Teams.
  • Increase Skill Level through exposure to our Enterprise Selling Workspaces / Coaching.
  • Improved Visibility of Account Overlap.
  • Improved Visibility of Contact Overlap and obtaining warmer Introductions.
  • Increased Revenue through more Wins
  • Ensurance their Playbook / Strategy is executed
  • Increased Odds of Success / Longevity
  • Receive better intelligence, visibility and control
  • Identify issues sooner and take course corrective action

More Revenue

With Less Hassles

Let's Talk


Whether working with partners in a large ecosystem or across teams of reps within your organization, learn how we can help you produce more with less.