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Everyone can’t be
good at everything.

Maximize production by empowering sales and partner teams
to focus solely on their strengths

Partner Pros


Build & nurture partnerships that create,
expedite, or retain winnable business.

Sales Pros


Win the winnable business.

End Goal: Scale Co-Sell

This process results in the fewest RED STEPS before getting to GREEN STEPS . Follow the process to stay in the green.

Free Co-Sell Coaching (you pick topic)

To create a predictable
revenue machine, companies
have two options



We Jointly Architect. You Execute.

Low Upfront Investment. Simple to Start. Scale Independently.


Learn co-selling foundations and establish your own co-selling processes and procedures.


Prove the co-selling processes work in the field.


Hire required functions internally to scale program consistently across your entire partner ecosystem.

Co-Sell Activation Course & Workshop

Split Cost With Partner(s)

Week 1: Co-Selling 101

Week 2: Co-Sell Planning & Preparation

Week 3: The Anatomy of a Co-Sell Motion

Week 4: Mastering Sales Process

Week 5: Co-Sell Operations

Week 6: Scaling Your Co-Sell Program

Learn more

Managing Co-Sell Internally

PLUS Management Expenses

Partner Enablement ($)

Partner training and support resource for external partners.

Co-Sell Enablement ($$$)

One co-sell enablement specialist per 30 reps/CSMs (avg.)

Co-Sell Alignment ($$)

One alignment specialist per 30 open opportunities (avg.)

Partner BDR ($$$$)

One partner BDR per 2-3 partners. Partners should have one as well.



Co-Selling as a Service

Revenue Ahead

Meaningful Upfront Investment.
Controlled Costs. Predictable Scale.

Co-Sell Co-Sell & Align Co-Sell, Align, and Source
Expected Outcomes Process, Predictability, and Wins Partner-Sourced Revenue Accelerated Activation & Sourcing
Co-Sell Foundations
Co-Sell Strategy & Activation
Co-Sell Alignment(dedicated specialist included)
Sales Enablement(on-demand content)
PartnerPay™ Eligible(setup & mgmt. fee)
Proactive Partner Sourcing(partner BDR included)
Proactive Partner Sales Execution

Just-in-Time Co-Sell Enablement

Reps need on-the-job enablement with real deals, in real time, with little upfront time investment. Co-Selling isn’t a train-and-wait type of skill. Without use, it’ll go stale quickly.

We create assets explaining your co-selling process to sales reps, so they can quickly understand what they’re walking into without a long training or enablement session they’ll likely forget anyway.

Proper co-selling process and structure should NOT introduce administrative burden.

In-Cycle Co-Sell Support

  • Keep reps apprised of upcoming co-sell plan due dates.
  • Assist with any co-sell tooling or systems in case the rep is new or out of co-selling practice.
  • Provide sales and partner managers critical deal updates or call out risks.
  • Nudge partners as needed on behalf of reps, so time isn’t wasted and partner relationships aren’t risked.

Systematic Partner Intel & Advocacy

Forecastable’s Inbound and Outbound Partner BDRs will seek intelligence and advocacy from its customers’ partners, with the intention of unearthing information that leads to sales opportunities.

Undeniably-Accurate Partner Attribution

  • No guesswork.
  • No relying on reps to input accurate data.
  • Know EXACTLY which partners are contributing.

Our Desired Future State For


  • We want you forging trusted & viable relationships with partners that matter; driving towards a common goal.
  • Like that feeling of conducting an orchestra of revenue teams in complete harmony.
  • NOT chasing down sales reps for next steps, or trying to onboard new partners while juggling active ones, or being viewed simply as a lead source by sales. 
  • or stuck in a reactive world instead of a proactive one.
That’s not effective. It’s not motivating. It doesn’t work.

Our desired future state for

Sales Reps

  • They should feel RELIEF that a partner’s involved because now it’s not all on them.
  • They’re surrounded with white-glove support, giving your deal the treatment it deserves.
  • And they’ll love it because your partners will be educated too. Reduces rookie mistakes.
  • Which reduces risk in deals, increases wins, and delivers stronger insights into losses.

Welcome to the warm and cozy safety net of a highly-focused, tightly-structured, Forecastable-supported partner co-sell motion.

It’s the best co-selling experience you’ll ever have.

But let’s face it. Experience is a bonus.

  • Results are what matter
  • Results save careers
  • Results are what Forecastable delivers
Meet Your Co-Sell Coach